Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blue Hen Bust

Above Buttermilk Falls
I went out for a hike at the Blue Hen Falls trail in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park the other day. There are two pretty cool water falls there, Blue Hen and Buttermilk, and I thought that they might make for good photos all frozen up. I was wrong. Blue Hen Fall's ice formations just weren't that picturesque and Buttermilk Falls just looked like a hill covered in snow. The photo is just above Buttermilk Falls - the foreground(and where I'm standing is actually the river) - it was really the only photo I was happy with from the hike. I think I'll have to head back out there when the falls are starting to melt....

1 comment:

Grant-Grey Guda said...

A truly wonderful picture! I've always loved photography! I would be truly honored if you gave your poetic advice on my blogs of poetry and follow them.

Grant Guda
The Wannabe Poet