Tuesday, January 23, 2018

eBay Comes to Akron

On Friday eBay's CEO and a chunk of their team came to Akron to announce the Retail Revival program that is being tested first here. I was lucky to be contacted by the PR team and I covered the Press Conference that was held with the city and the panel afterwords. There were also tours of the Northside MarketPlace and chats with eBay vendors and small businesses. There was a lot of action and it was a fun day. I'm still trying to understand the exactly how this program will work but the gist seems to be that eBay will invest resources in teaching local businesses how to use their platform effectively - and that Akron will get a special website and marketing push.

Here a few photos from the day - I obviously took a LOT more. 

My favorite bike shop owner and the CEO of eBay.

I will have more photos and info on this whole project down the road.....

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