Sunday, December 3, 2017

Drone Modes

On Friday evening I hit up my friend Ben to head out towards Summit Lake and test our some of the "active track" modes with the drone. Basically, you draw a box around what you want the drone to track(on your phone) and then select the mode. It can follow forward, backward, in profile, make circles or in a spot light mode where the drone stays put and just tracks the subject from that fixed point. We didn't have the room or time to test some of the modes - but in the video you can see we did the 'follow' and the 'profile' modes. I think the profile is a super cool look. The light was so awesome that I ended up shooting some footage of the old Firestone HQ and cutting that in - as well as a passing train. The goal is to do a multi-camera bicycle shoot in this style.

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