Thursday, May 12, 2016

Rat Bowl

Rubber Bowl
What happens when you sell a stadium for 38,000 bucks and the plans for use fall through? Nothing happens. Nothing at all. ....because it would cost more to hire a security guard and maintain fences than your whole initial investment.
We decided to take the weekly Rubber City Ratz ride to Hoppin' Frog Brewery last night. When we rode passed the Rubber Bowl we saw that the plywood to one of the top gates had been knocked down - so we wandered inside. It is absolutely trashed, as you can see from the photos. It is amazing that this place has only been empty for a few years - it feels like you're standing in an Ancient Greek, hillside theater...

Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl
Rubber Bowl

1 comment:

Tim Fitzwater said...

By the way - I shot these all with my little Rebel T5 and the cheap, plastic kit lens.